Crispin's Guide to Stirling Cycling


Crispin Bennett – Who’s he?


Born under a bad moon in the darkest days of 1967.


Having learnt the rudiments of road craft and discovered the frustrations of travel by pedal car, I progressed from a yellow-wheeled trike to my first proper bike at the age of 4.  This allowed me to experience the joys of two-wheeled travel and also gave me my first scars and stitches when I lost control on a corner and crashed into a garden wall.  I’ve been crashing a couple of times every week since then, and always because I was going too fast and not paying attention.


I got the cycle bug seriously in 1991, when looking for something to do for a summer holiday, I cycled between Inverness and Glasgow.  This allowed me to make every mistake in the book, and some others that are only in the footnotes.  It was at this time I joined the CTC and rode with the South Ayrshire DA on long, wet, windy rides into the Galloway hills.  After two years in America, where I experienced the joys of freezing nose hairs, being mobbed by redwing blackbirds and nearly prodding a venomous snake with my bicycle pump - I thought it was dead, right – I returned to the UK and undertook a 6000-mile, 4-month cycle tour round the coast of Britain and Ireland.


I’ve lived in Stirling for 10 years now and cycle approximately 7000 miles a year, for fun, pleasure, pain - and to get to work.  A keen CTC member, I am also the CTC Right-to-Ride Rep for Stirling.  For a social life I ride with the MTB crowd at Stirling Bike Club although I am also occasionally to be found riding and drinking coffee with the roadies.  My PB for a 10-mile time trial is still 38 minutes. 


Embarrassing photo’s of me and me school mates have been posted on the web too!


On June 11, 2005 I got married to Gwen and now we have a bouncy son called Theo!!!



Relaxing on the deck of the Titanic.

Maritime Museum, Halifax, Nova Scotia



Crispin's Guide to Stirling Cycling